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Meditation and Breathing with Thomas

Go through simple breathing and meditation exercises with host Thomas Magee and take this time to de-stress and ease your mind.

Host: Thomas Magee

Production by Emily Barkin

Season 2, Episode 3: in this episode we will be drumming and discussing finding an awareness of our presence.

Season 2, Episode 3: welcome back to another beautiful episode of meditation and breathing with me! (Thomas). You are welcome to listen in, meditate, breathe, and just be. Thank you! Namaste


Season 2, Episode 3: welcome back to another exciting new episode, where I introduce a series of episodes that involves vibration and sound instruments. There are two sound portions of this episode, starting at 4:37 and 6:59. Feel free to wear headphones, as the experience will be more beneficial and immersive. Enjoy! love-kindness-namaste.

Season 2, Episode 2: Feel free to join me in a quick meditation session, and loose discussion.

Season 2, Episode 1:  Let’s get our fall vibes started with some relaxing meditation and breathing. Love y’all!

Episode 10: join me in the 10th episode of meditation and breathing!!!!! I invite you to take this time to embrace positive feelings and transition your intrusive negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Meditation starts at 7:30 🙂

Episode 9: welcome to another episode of meditation and discussion with Thomas. Guided meditation starts around the 12min mark, feel free to skip the discussion or listen all the way through. Love y’all. NAMASTE.

Episode 8: Hello, I invite you to join me in a guided meditation and gentle discussion, along with a special reading.

Episode 7: I invite you to join me in a peaceful guided meditation, where we will go through simple stretches for cleansing and find balance within our breath.

Episode 6: Welcome back! Please join me in listening to an important passage from a reading about spiritual awakening and I invite you to learn about a very simple technique to open our heart chakra.

Episode 5: I welcome you to a wonderful discussion and special reading about “letting go”. Connecting with your feeling and a little breathing technique I know and use very often.

Episode 4: I invite you to listen to this wonderful episode. You may listen to 1 minute or 20 minutes, whatever feels right to you. Thank you, and always remember to breathe.

Episode 3: You are welcome to take 15 minutes to center yourself and focus on your breathing with this calm and peaceful guided meditation.

Episode 2: Meditate and breathe with Thomas

Episode 1: Join your host Thomas in some breathing exercises and meditation.